20855 - C‐band Weather Radars; Corrected opening of tenders report
16. október 2020
Date of opening of tenders 10/16/2020 10:15 AM
An error has been found in "Annex 8 Offer ‐ Requirements.xlsx" document. The sum in column
C13 on tab "Tenderer Pricelist" has the formula: C8 + 8 * C11 but should be C8 +C11
EEC and the Öryggismiðstöð Íslands hf. have seen this error in the Excel document and made a
correction (C8 + C11) but not LEONARDO Germany GmbH.
Tenders from:
Tenderers name | Tender price EUR excluding VAT |
EEC | 2.598.956,00 |
Öryggismiðstöð Íslands hf. | 3.320.320,00 |
LEONARDO Germany GmbH | 2.383.930,00 |
Tenders are in evaluation process.
Ríkiskaup and the Icelandic Meteorological Office thank you for your participation