Fara í efni

20773 - Litningagreinasamstæða fyrir Landspítala

At the opening of Tenders, the following will be read aloud: Tenderers name, Name of manufacturer, Name and type of equipment Tendered and Total price in ISK, exclusive of VAT, on Tender sheet. 
No comments. 

1. Tenderers name: Líftækni ehf.Name of manufacturer: Zytovision GmbHName and type of equipment: 
C: kr. 3.151.000.- 
D: kr. 5.855.000.- 
G: kr. 1.035.120.- 

2. Tenderers name: Abbott AS, DenmarkName of manufacturer: Abbot / BioviewName and type of equipment: Biowiev Olympus BX63 Duet-3 
A: kr. 29.463.473.- 
C: kr. 11.386.770.- 
D: kr. 6.618.046.- 
E: kr. 1.876.759.- 
F: kr. 3.305.730.- 
G: kr. 1.207.272.- 

3. Tenderers name: ADS Biotec Ltd.Name of manufacturer: Applied Spectral ImagingName and type of equipment: Harmony 
A: EUR. 183.876,91  

4. Tenderers name: MedaSystems Hard und Software GmbHName of manufacturer: MedaSystems Hard und Software GmbHName and type of equipment: Medafer slide scanning platform ikaros karyotyping/Isis FISH systems, XCE, XCP, and XL FISH probes 
A: kr. 22.914.702.- 
C: kr. 1.049.560.- 
D: kr. 2.623.920.- 
E: kr. 393.600.- 
G: kr. 94.464.- 
H: kr. 146.936.- 
Fleiri tilboð bárust ekki.  Engar athugasemdir við framkvæmd fundarins.